The worldwide opinion leaders like UNICEF or the European Commission advocating for “a better Internet for our Children” gave parental controls developers like mSpy a green light to take a solid place not just in the market but in people’s mind as the most effective way of the child’s protection online.  In this article, you’ll find out what parental control software are, what is their share in the market and why millions of parents turn to them when allowing kids to use the Internet.

Parents Want it

The parental control software share in the market varies according to a device type, a platform, a region, and an application. The device type constitutes computer and video games, digital television services, and mobile. Based on the platform, the market is divided into Android, iOS and desktop. Geographically, the USA, Canada, and European countries are top 3 locations that use parental controls the most. India, China, and Southern America complete the list. By applications, the app might be used at different levels: thus, there are residential, educational institutes, etc. Globally, the parental control software market is estimated to gain $9.50 billion by 2023, according to the Market Research Future’s report. The main reasons of such growth is technology use with unlimited and unfiltered Internet surfing, online dangers, and cybercrimes.

Protecting Against Dangerous Online Phenomena 

“To clean the bio waste” was the reason of Philipp Budeikin to create the Blue Whale Challenge. It is sort of online disgusting game whose agents recruit kids online and assign them 50 dangerous tasks. The final task is to commit suicide. Thus, the game took lives of 130 kids around the world for now. The parents of victims didn’t know their kids were into that game. However, the participation could have been anticipated since it has signs and symbols children and agents share via chatting. Another reason parents are monitoring their children’s social feed is cyberbullying, and it’s happening at a younger age. Cyberbullying is the reason of depression, law self-esteem, and even suicide among kids. Bullies comment photos on social media, threaten via chat messengers, and even hurt physically. Children are not likely to open up. That’s why a parental control software comes in handy. Contacts with online predators might be one of the worst reason why parents turn to parental controls. Adults hide under teenage profiles and befriend kids to gain their interest and trust. The final goal for online predators is to meet in a real life.

What Parents Are Monitoring

Parental control applications are designed primarily for monitoring purposes to prevent and to protect children online as well as offline. One of the strongholds on the market, mSpy parental control software was developed in 2010 as a way-out tool to help parents monitor their kids’ online activity and, thus, prevent them from online dangers vigorously circulating via the web. These are online predators, cyber bullying, porn ads, sexting invitations, etc., and parents can view sites, platforms, social media their child visits as well as the whole browsing history. They can block them as well. The screen time is another thrilling problem. The Common Sense Media’s survey found that teens spend about nine hours a day on screens and gadgets. Parental controls allow parents to view installed apps and limit access to them. Also, monitoring includes online checking on the kid’s current GPS location with the opportunity to set virtual fences around safe zones. Once they are breached, parents are immediately informed about it. Since online risks are evolving, the app offered keylogger and keywords alerts features. They literally translate to a parent what their child is looking for on the internet and what type of communication they have via chat messengers like Facebook messengers, Viber, WhatsApp. Line, Telegram. etc. The features convey what exactly a kid types on the phone. You may even set up a particular word or phrase to identify. The child’s call logs, text messages, shared media files are visible on the parent’s phone as well. Therefore, a parent becomes fully involved in their kid’s life without annoying them with constant calls or text messages. Parental control apps are presented in a small number for now, giving the developers and startups to take the share of this market. At present, the main players in the industry are mSpy, Qustodio and NetNanny. Here are a few products that automatically filter out bad stuff in your home: Clean Router Basic, KoalaSafe, or Clean Router PRO.   Read about more gear and gadgets for your smart home on TechCo  Read about more parenting apps on TechCo 

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