While this created a much needed legitimacy, needs have changed and the folks who run coworking spaces have done an amazing job of rising to the challenge of meeting the new customer needs. If you haven’t looked into the coworking spaces that are local to you, please do so. You will be amazed at the communities being formed and the good that is being done. For startups in particular, these things are really exciting.

They’re Located in Great Neighborhoods

Startups and others understand the bonus of being involved in a great neighborhood. They know that this appeals both to potential clients and employees. After all, great location means safety, being in proximity to great restaurants, good parking, and more.

You Get Communal Support and Entertainment

Anyone can rent out a small office space. The point of coworking spaces is to offer something more. These spaces, ideally, are designed to foster communities. When done well, they are places that people want to work at, because of the amenities provided that are supportive and create a vibrant and social space. For instance, ATX Factory coworking space, located in East Austin, TX, offers sleep pods for quick naps for folks who need to recharge, weekly food truck events, communal areas where members can relax such as massage chairs, and a snacks, coffee, and beer bar that boasts a Willie Nelson & Biggie mural. In fact, they even offer up a social membership for entrepreneurs seeking out opportunities to to participate in events and mingle with other community members

You’ll Work Among Like Minded People

People who are attracted to coworking spaces tend to be edgy, creative, risk takers. They are designers, architects, coders, and innovators. These aren’t your typical buttoned down office workers who would fit in at an office park in suburbia. This is why these spaces are often located in funky neighborhoods, and why they are often in  unusual spaces and decorated with unique artwork. They provide a workspace for those who wouldn’t  necessarily fit in elsewhere. Even more importantly, many of these spaces specifically cater to certain groups. For example, Hera Hub is a coworking space and business accelerator with locations all over the world. The spaces it provides along with the amenities offered are specifically designed with women in mind. They offer spa inspired work environments, and give women the opportunity to work with and among other inspirational entrepreneurs.

Having Options to Expand

The best coworking spaces offer a variety of membership options. These begin with communal memberships that include access to lounges, event attendance, and use of communal office equipment. At the other end of the spectrum are memberships that include full office space with keyed office. Some even offer store fronts. This means that as startups grow, their chosen coworking spaces can grow with them. By choosing communal workspaces, startups avail themselves of the benefits of great office infrastructure, amazing locations, growth potential, and the opportunity to network with other like minded entrepreneurs. These cost-effective options will only continue to become more popular in the future.