Weatherback Weather Wallpaper is an Android app that instantly fills your screen with magical weather effects without dismantling the existing wallpaper. The sensational weather effects delivered from this app do not displace the existing wallpaper; they simply add to the special effects to make you feel the raindrops, the clouds, or the snow storm on your mobile screen. This app will never let you grow bored with the same wallpaper look and feel day after day. This app automatically updates the weather information or image as the weather keeps changing outdoors. The Pro version enables you to create personalized wallpapers with custom effects. The caveat is that the app provider currently offers both a free and a paid version of this app. The free version is somewhat limited in terms of what you can do with it, but the Pro (paid) version will simply offer you enchanting features that you can choose from to create custom weather effects. The technology gain over live wallpapers The best technology gain for Android users of this app is that they do not need to bother with live wallpapers anymore, which typically slow down system performance or drain the battery of the mobile devices they are used on. How to start playing with Weatherback Weather Wallpaper Download the Weatherback Wallpaper from the Play Store, and then check the current weather while you view the static wallpaper on your device. The free version may not give you much control over the effects, but the Pro version allows you to do almost anything you want. The unique selling points of this app

The app is highly affordableThe app consumes very little powerThe app is easy to set up and quick to goNo noticeable impact on system performanceThe app provides customizable effectsThe weather effects look stunning degrading the original imageNo need for a live wallpaper that drains resources

Looking for a drawback? If you need to know one drawback about this app, then that would be some limitation of the variety of weather effects. The app needs to add the effects of wind, rain, snow, and storms in all the different parts of the world. The Lowdown  Weatherback Wallpaper is an ideal solution for those theme-centric Android users who enjoy changing wallpaper themes simply to refresh their screens. This app is a salient solution for bringing the outdoors into the device without touching live wallpaper.