We work a lot – we all do, but at least most of us have the comfort of being able to do our work sitting at a desk. But, as we all should’ve already learned by now, this convenience of sitting all day may actually be contributing to our health problems. In 2013, Kathleen and Jeff Hale cofounded Rebel Desk, a DC-based company that designs and sells treadmill and standing desks, precisely to combat our modern-day struggle with chairs that could be killing us. With the gradual increase of resources like TechShop and new interest in manufacturing, the Maker Movement in America is quickly becoming a prominent, defining feature of this century (remember the White House Maker Faire?). As a part of this movement, Kathleen and Jeff Hale have capitalized on the standing desk trend, and launched Rebel Desk as a company that designs standing desks and treadmills (used specifically for desks). By now, we should all be familiar with articles touting the health benefits of standing as opposed to sitting while we work at our desks. Various major media discussions surrounding the topic go back to 2011, and continue to go on today. But, really, what are the long-term benefits of switching to a standing or treadmill desk? Well, it seems that there’s actually a lot more to it than just health benefits.

Here are the top 4 reasons you should switch to a treadmill or standing desk:

  1. The Health Benefits Of course this comes first. Not only will using a treadmill or standing desk improve your  posture, but it can help you increase your core strength (which you’ll learn can be surprisingly weak if you ever go to a core training class). Standing also prevents your metabolic process from shutting down (which is what happens once you sit down) and will lead to you feeling more energized throughout the day. There are also the possibilities of reduced risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease…and death.
  2. The Psychological Benefits Standing on your feet at your desk as opposed to sitting can actually help to reduce stress and build confidence. More testosterone is produced when you’re in a standing position, contributing to a “power pose” during which your brain feels more confident.
  3. More Engagement with Co-Workers One Quora contributor noted that using a standing desk helped him to engage more with those around him. This makes sense considering the higher level of energy you have and the fact that you easily make direct eye contact with those walking around you, making it it easier to engage in conversations on-the-spot.
  4. Overall Increase in Productivity Studies have shown that switching to a standing desk can lead to a 10 percent increase in productivity, with people accomplishing more work throughout the day. It makes sense, considering all of those times we sit around in our chairs just…well…sitting (we’ve all done this). To learn more about the benefits of standing desks or the Maker Movement, see Rebel Desk cofounder and COO Jeff Hale speak at Tuesday’s TechShop DC Maker Event. Make sure to buy your tickets now to TechShop’s DC Maker Event: Learn How to Build & Launch a Hardware Product Company and listen to what he has to share! Additionally, if you’re interested in exploring TechShop Arlington-DC’s 22,000 square-foot space (featuring things like a wood shop, metal shop, and electronics lab), stop by before the event or stay late after – tours will be held at 5:30 PM and 8:30 PM.