Give a Tour Without Leaving the Office

The clearest way 3D tech can benefit real estate companies is in the tours given to prospective renters or buyers. You’ll see a drastic decrease in the amount of trudging around town and county for your agents by offering 3D walkthroughs of a space online, which can help customers weed out places right from the start.

Create a Living Record

With the right planning and photos, a 3D model of a space can be a visual record of how a space looked at sale. This can be an excellent reference point both for the real estate company (if you’re moving through renters and keeping track of any damage or alterations) and the customer (who can keep the 3D model as a reference point for how the space looked when they moved in).

Show Concern for Sellers’ Privacy

Reduce the number of tours walking through a home throughout the selling period and help maintain the sellers’ private lives with 3D tech. As you reduce the number of tours given for your agents, you’ll also create less of an intrusion on the sellers – a welcome scenario!

Show Off Incomplete Homes

If you’re offering tours of houses in incomplete residential developments, 3D tech is absolutely necessary – you can use virtual tours to show off spaces that don’t actually exist yet, greatly increasing the window of opportunity to make a sale.

Show Off Similar Homes

Similarly, if one home in a new development is complete before the others, and those others feature similar designs and layouts, you can create a model of that home and give tours even while the first family is moving in!

Help Customers Envision Changes

With the right planning and modeling, you can give your customers the opportunity to experiment with placing furniture, different wall colors, and other modifications in the home – all without ever entering the house itself. The more options the customer sees, the more likely they’ll be to make the purchase.

Create Unique Models

If you model a home fully, you can look into creating a physical 3D printed model from that software representation of the home – again, a powerful tool to help customers imagine themselves in a space, and a step above the virtual nature of 3D modeling tech.

Give Your Customers Time

Let your customers imagine themselves in a space over time rather than with a single quick tour – giving them access to a 3D model of the space lets them play around with their own perceptions of the house, increasing their end satisfaction with a purchase.

Establish Your Company’s Presence

3D tech is still a relative newcomer in the real estate world – you’ll attract technology and convenience minded customers by keeping yourself ahead of the curve with a solid 3D tour offering.

Prepare for the Future

What are 3D technologies use in real estate? 3D tech is the wave of the future in real estate, and with increasing virtual reality for property profile and modeling capabilities, the field is only going to grow – it’s best to establish your 3D modeling abilities early on in order to prepare yourself for future success in the real estate world!