Respected business expert Tony Robbins often finds himself advising new entrepreneurs on the qualities they should look for in a mentor. In fact, lately the business strategist and author of the book Unshakeable has been doing the mentoring himself for entries to the Shopify Build a BIGGER Business Competition. I talked with him about some of the best qualities you should look for in a person who will have the power to help shape your business destiny. Check out what he had to say below:

Find Someone Who Knows How to Execute

When seeking a mentor, people generally gravitate toward people they respect. But, Robbins emphasizes the importance of finding someone who goes beyond merely talking about how to build a great business. He says, look for execution. The best mentors have already produced the results you want. They can provide a road map to help you reach your goals too. Robbins started with no business education, but through years of hard work, now has 31 companies. He directly manages twelve of them with more than $5 billion in sales. Thanks to all of that experience, he’s found that he can “pitch and catch” with anyone because he’s proven, over the years, that he can build and grow a company that is not only successful, but that thrives under his leadership.

Don’t Expect Perfection

If you go into the mentor relationship expecting perfection, you’ll find yourself judging the other person, which gets both of you nowhere. While it’s important to choose a mentor who has experience, it’s also important to realize that even the most experienced business leaders falter sometimes. Learn to not only accept those flaws in your mentor, but to also learn from them and model your behavior after what they’ve done correctly.

Become a Learning Machine

Negative feedback can be difficult to hear and too often entrepreneurs close themselves off to it. But some of the most important lessons a mentor can impart will come in the form of negative feedback. Success in business means becoming a learning machine and accepting failure as a learning experience.

Eagerness to Help

Like many successful professionals, Robbins wants to help others and that’s a defining difference. Entrepreneurs should look for mentors who are eager to pass what they’ve learned to a new generation. Recently, for instance, Robbins continued his partnership with Shopify for its “Build a Bigger Business Competition,” which accepted entries in the first few months of the year. Now he’s busy advising the startups that entered. Mentors may seem difficult to find, but every industry has experienced professionals who would be honored to coach someone who respects them. Don’t sell yourself short. Go right up and ask someone who feels like the right fit. Remember, before searching, carefully consider what you hope to achieve from the relationship. That will help you identify the perfect person to help you reach your goals.