It may be easier to put the construction of a website into the analogy of the construction of a building. After all, both are created step by step.

The base

To construct a building you need a solid foundation. The foundation of a website is always its subject. You can’t promote a website when you have no idea about its subject. But it’s not a problem if you promote your own business, because you are well aware of everything you need to know. With this knowledge you can select suitable keywords for the search engines. With their help you will be able to find your potential customers. The narrower the subject is, the easier it is to make the semantic field for your advance.

The walls

As you know, a house without walls is simply a tent. You need a façade to become noticeable and recognizable. The same thing you need to do to your website. Think about its design or hire a designer. Make it attractive. It’s hard to be proud of an ugly house.

The infrastructure

The infrastructure is very important for the functionality of your home; without electricity, running water, or gas it becomes unusable. The same thing is truewith space: rooms, kitchen, and bathroom – everything is meant for maximum convenience. While working on a website you must make it convenient for your visitors. Better spend some time and make it customized. Custom software development will allow your website drag maximum profit. Take time and consider the engine and all services available; don’t forget about easy navigation.

The internal redecoration

Ok, you finished the building, but the rooms still look alike! How should I know where is the bedroom and where is the living room? You need to furnish them, put up wallpaper, hang some pictures. Fill your website with quality information; post articles and images. But remember – hoarding can hinder your success greatly. Well, if you have a writing talent, you can save money, otherwise a hungry crowd of freelance copywriters are waiting for you.

The roof

Your house is at risk of being flooded without a solid roof. The roof also needs to be patched from time to time. A good roof for your website is constant SEO optimization. Every season you check your roof, so as all the time you’ll have to check, audit, analyze and monitor the position of your website in the search results. Never dream that if once you’ve paid a bunch of money to a professional SEO optimizer for the promotion, your website will stay first in the results. Have you ever seen ancient castles that have never been restored? Once they were beautiful and firm, but time eventually destroys them. The same is with your online business. Never stay on one site, or you will reach the end of the queue.   Image Credit: Flickr/Cross Duck