Login credentials are infamously considered the first line of defense against hacks and security breaches. A good password along with two-factor authentication can stop most hackers in their tracks, making it impossible to get ahold of your personal information. Unfortunately, there’s a new cyber attack out there that can completely bypass these digital road blocks, allowing hackers unfettered access to your inbox. Even worse, this malware has already been updated on three different occasions, making it that much more unsettling for potential victims. The malware can infect virtually any device that has already been compromised, which as we know, is quite common for everyday users. The only upside to this threat is that it can only attack those with devices that are already compromised. Granted, compromised devices are a dime a dozen in 2022, but if you’re still safe, there are a few ways to make sure your device stays invulnerable. First off, downloading antivirus software is likely your best bet here. It can detect malware and even eradicate it in some instances, which will keep your device from being compromised, stopping this threat before it can get started. Additionally, being vigilant online is key, as falling victim to a phishing scam could also open you up to being attacked.