Recently our Denver-based SEO company  launched a lead generation campaign that achieved a whopping 85.9% conversion rate from traffic that was driven from Facebook and in this article I’m going to show you exactly how we did it. Here’s proof via a screenshot of that campaign’s performance metrics:    Now that you’ve seen proof of the success that we’ve had with Facebook marketing, I’m going to jump right into exactly how we achieved those numbers with the hopes that you can then go out and duplicate our process.

How To Achieve Success With Facebook Marketing

We are going to focus on one specific Facebook marketing method that’s the easiest to implement and the most valuable to your business, email address lead generation.  In my opinion, collecting targeted customer email addresses is the easiest and most effective way to massively build your business through digital marketing.  Imagine having having 10,000 targeted email addresses that you can market to on a monthly basis for free.  Pretty valuable right.

How Do We Collect These Email Addresses?

The easiest way to collect these leads from Facebook is to offer your target audience something of value for free in exchange for their email address. Keep in mind that your free offer should always align with your target customer all the while being related the product or service that you’re going to sell. For Example:  In the campaign shown above we offered local business owners a free guide to getting free local leads from Google, something that aligned perfectly with the local SEO services that we were selling at that time. Your free offer should always be something that’s extremely valuable and easy to digest, that way your visitors have no problem making the decision to take action and submit their information.

Setting Up The Lead Collection Process

Setting up the lead generation process is actually very simple, here’s the overview: Traffic Source > Landing Page > Follow Up Email Traffic Source: FacebookLanding Page: A simple email capture form that promotes your free offer.Follow Up Email: Use an autoresponder to send out your free guide once an email address has been submitted.

Setting Up Facebook Advertising

Facebook’s ad platform can be your best friend or your worst nightmare and the only way to achieve success using it is by educating yourself first. I’m going to share with you an invaluable yet not-so secret method to achieving success with your very first Facebook ad campaign. Use Facebook Go. Facebook Go pairs you with a professional ad manager from Facebook that will help you launch a successful advertising campaign.  You see Facebook’s ad platform improves your performance with time but it will only do so if your campaign has been setup correctly.  Facebook Go can help you with this and why not let the professionals do all the heavy lifting while you reap the rewards of a successful advertising campaign.

Setting Up Your Landing Page

Your landing page is where you send your visitor after they’ve clicked on your Facebook ad.  All you need to include on your landing page is an easy to understand title with a clear call to action and an email capture form. In the example campaign above we use a simple software called Instapage to build our extremely simple yet very effective landing page. Here’s the landing page that we used: 


Setting Up The Email Follow Up

The email follow up is when your free offer gets automatically sent to the customer who just submitted his or her email address. This is also known as an autoresponder and in our example campaign above we used a company called Aweber to send out our free offers. To do this simply go to, sign up for a free account and have their support staff walk you through setting up your first campaign.

In conclusion

Remember that your main goal with this method is to simply collect an email address that you can then market to later. A simple ad, with a simple landing page that promotes a valuable free offer with a simple follow up email is all you need to achieve massive success with Facebook advertising. That and a little bit of help from the people at Facebook Go. Enjoy and happy marketing!

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