Well, in the realm of online finance, there’s a fight for first place. Whoever can build the fastest app, site or platform for managing finances and executing trades online will win. Some millennials are looking for a financial autopilot app, like Betterment, to pile away their savings and help build the foundation of a well-funded retirement. Others are looking for something a little more exciting; where they can get their hands dirty and really go for maxing out their personal return on investment. For type-A investors that want maximum control over their retirement, the online trading platform provided by AVATRADE is an excellent starting point. Their modern platform for online trading provides a ton of great features that allow for easy portfolio management online. Plus, they claim that their trades are processed with some of the fastest execution times in the industry. The online wealth management features that matter most to millennials are: Millennials hate being tied down to a specific place or platform. We want our financial information available at the tap of a screen, click of a mousepad or dial of a phone. That’s right, phone support still matters when things aren’t working the way they should. Show us you care by supporting us with amazing products and stellar customer service (preferably based in the US). AVATRADE sets the bar for accessibility. There’s only so much that can be done from a browser. Viewing the markets, understanding financial trends in real-time and placing multiple orders requires multiple windows. No, I don’t want to fill my desk with monitors. I want a platform that allows me to run software on my computer that efficiently displays this information natively inside of my OS. For the power users that need this ultra-powerful trading platform for their computer, AVATRADE gives users AvaTrader. For Mac users, there’s Mac Trading. No matter what OS you rely on for your everyday computing, trading foreign exchanges and commodities should never be more than a mouse click away. Learning from a book is so 2000 and late. Let’s get with the program and let people learn at their own pace, using live demos that let us practice reading the market and placing trades. AVATRADE created a live web demo for users still learning about the markets. Get your feet wet without losing your shirt. Learn by doing, and take the reigns as you build a financial future that’s all about doing.