The Biggest Digital Marketing Mistake

Most business owners see social media platforms as the perfect place to set up shop because that’s where their customers are. And that’s rightfully so. But the fumble comes along when businesses don’t understand the true function of social media. They see social media as a place to sell and promote products, but it’s more complex than that. In his article on this very topic, Vishal Kataria writes:

What’s the Solution?

For digital marketing to run effectively, business owners have to understand how to navigate the two spheres. It’s about integrating the brand recognition with building genuine relationships online. Engage in the conversations that your customers are having, and build that rapport to show that customers’ comfort is a priority for your brand. Here’s what I think. Most brands fail to create ripples on social media because they refuse to understand the psychology of a platform. For them, it is not about whether their target audience is present on a specific social media platform. Neither is it about why people are present there. For them, social media is a platform for distribution, rather than engagement. It’s about 3 entities – “I, Me, Myself.” But for humans, social media is the opposite. It’s about others. When you show that your customers are valuable to you outside of generating revenue, you’ll begin to see more of a response. Begin investing in building your community of customers rather than just approaching from a business-only mindset and watch your business begin to flourish. Image Credit to Wilfred Iven / Stocksnap.