The good news for entrepreneurs is that the growing role of educational technology presents yet another opportunity to develop and sell something that could have a large sales base. And, as an added bonus, it is also possible to use this tech to help students learn more easily and reach their true potential.

Research Backs It Up

Of course, one of the best examples is the usage of tablets in the classroom. Studies have found that students who use a tablet are able to achieve their learning objectives up to 80 percent more quickly than those who study the same things via textbook. This is by far one of the most compelling arguments for educational tech, and it highlights the need to find even more ways to engage each student’s learning process.

More Access to Information for Everyone

Giving students access to the Internet also helps remove each school’s burden of attempting to provide a fully up-to-date research library. Now, instead of spending a lot of time searching through outdated books, students can immediately access the latest information by using their classroom tablet or computer. Additionally, putting coursework in an online class portal makes it easier for sick students to remain current in their studies. Technology has also proven itself to be invaluable to students with medical issues and special needs. For example, several forms of assistive technology can be used to make the classroom more sensory-friendly for those on the autism spectrum. Visual Scene Displays are being used in an increasingly large number of classrooms, and they make it possible for less-verbal children with autism to communicate effectively.

The Problems: Funding and Training

Funding issues are one of the biggest roadblocks that prevent teachers from implementing helpful technology in the classroom. It is also common for teachers who are less tech-savvy to be unaware of all of the options that could help them and their students. Fortunately, an online resource lists for educators has been put together by USATestprep that touches on everything from free tech for teachers to printable materials. By utilizing these resources, teachers can learn more about the value of tech and bring it into their classrooms without blowing through their budget. Photo: Flickr / Tom