Tech.Co chatted with one serial innovator, Anthony Conti, the CCO at award-winning mobile platform developer Software Ops. Here’s what he had to say on the future of UI in 2017, alongside some additional trends I’ve spotted myself.

Expect to See Conversational Interfaces

This prediction falls right in line with the marketing trends I just mentioned. Stronger engagement is a must, and a cutting edge UI in 2017 should be able to hold a conversation with users, as Conti explains:

Growth in Mobile Interface Design

In November 2016, mobile interactions beat out desktop interactions for the first time ever. In 2017, we’ll see UI trends catch up to that shift in internet interest.

A Rise in Designer/Developer Synergy

One shift that will remain behind the scenes for consumers: Just how easily designers will be able to work with those developing their interfaces.

And in Mobile Social Commerce

Pinterest is already ahead of the curve, as I wrote on a few months ago. Now that mobile interactions are the main way that people connect on the internet, commerce options available from UI in 2017 will evolve to match. Expect to see shopping carts and purchase buttons integrated into people’s social lives. As Conti puts it:

Expect a Little More Color

This tip comes from iamwire, where one writer offered an interesting prediction for the design of UI in 2017: More color. Here’s why they see a vibrant future: If Instagram’s rebranded logo is any indicator, the future might be so bright we’ll need technicolor shades.