By playing around with the new Apple Watch SDK, T3 was able to come up with an Apple Watch app that would utilize a user’s heart rate to automate left and right swipes on Tinder. According to the company, the app will automatically swipe left on a Tinder profile if a user’s heart rate decreases and swipe right if his or her heart rate goes up. The idea here, of course, is that a faster heart rate is indicative for higher attraction towards someone. It’s a pretty neat idea, and certainly a much-welcomed innovation in the Apple Watch app space, which has yet to come up with anything truly revolutionary. Since its initial launch, the Apple Watch has been predicted to show some pretty dismal numbers (mostly based on speculation and calculated predictions, since Apple hasn’t released any official numbers), with an Apple analyst at Forbes reporting last week that sales for the smartwatch is likely nowhere near where Apple hopes. I like the swiping aspect of Tinder, though, so this Apple Watch app (personally) would feel like a hindrance to my user experience. Earlier today, TechCrunch reported that Tinder is rolling out new verified profiles for celebrities on the dating app. (H/T FastCo Create)