Web Developers Make $70K, But People Think They Make $88K

First: the biggest loser, web developers. They make about $70K a year, which is perfectly impressive — expect that the U.S. individuals polled for the Paysa survey thought they earned roughly $88K annually. This makes their position the number one overall for the difference in actual vs. perceived pay category.

Computer Hardware Engineers Make $115K, But People Think They Make $87K

The biggest underdog earner in tech? Computer hardware engineers, who earn a whopping $27K more than most people think they do. So if you put a computer hardware engineer and a web developer in a room, most people would bet the developer makes more, even though they earn a full $45K a year less than the hardware engineer. Fun fact: The biggest discrepancy in actual pay wasn’t a tech job at all: Turns out people think congressmen make $87.5K, but in reality they take in $174K, a difference of $86.5K. This fact probably isn’t going to make us any less angry at them.

60 Percent of Women Polled Feel They Are Underpaid

Paysa also took the time to update us on wage discrepancy: 60 percent of women feel they are underpaid, an issue that 44 percent of them reported as due to “perceived inexperience.” This stat further indicates that sexist attitudes in the workplace can be tough to pinpoint, since they disguise themselves as differing assessments of personal experience. It’s worth noting that this statistic is completely backed up by the evidence, as a new study Tech.Co reported on last month explained: That 63 percent number is just a few points worse than the 60 percent of women who feel underpaid, indicating that their understanding of the situation is accurate.