Keith Kochner is a leadership and business speaker. He developed Live Streaming Fitness to meet the growing need for education around staying fit and nutrition. But the video streaming platform isn’t designed just for those who want to save a few dollars on a gym membership; Keith’s goal is to give mentoring and support for people and families of all economic strata so they can live healthier and fuller lives. Its offering of live-streaming fitness classes and on-demand video is built to support our demanding lifestyles – lifestyles on a constant battle between managing our personal and professional lives. Live Streaming Fitness is the third pillar in the foundation of Kochner’s vision to offer the all the necessary tools for people of all walks of life to be healthy mentally, spiritually, and physically. I asked Kochner about the connection between income and health. Research has shown a direct correlation between obesity and income levels. He said the power of his idea lies in the $9.90 per month cost of the program. At that rate, even low-income families can afford to use the amount of education and fitness resources he provides. But how can a family who has a tough enough time getting by each month afford another cost for the Internet service and bandwidth necessary to regularly stream video? Kochner said many of these families spend their money on luxuries like big screen TVs and other portable electronic devices. They already have access to the Internet with most of these devices. As for the infrastructure necessary to make the service available to lower-income areas of the country, he said there is a government program in development which provides 4G internet service to less modern areas of the country. This will open the door to grow the reach of Live Streaming Fitness and help those who need education on living a healthier life for their families. Currently, Live Streaming Fitness is connecting to and forming partnerships with state and local educational systems to offer after-school fitness activities. Partnerships with other non-profit foundations and NGOs are also in the works. Going forward, Kochner sees Live Streaming Fitness growing its content and services. He wants 1,000,000 subscribers within five years. He will be expanding the streaming schedule to include weekends and a 24-hour cycle. There is currently only one stream available at a time when they are live. The company wants to build out to multiple channels so users can pick their favorite subject or trainer and follow along on a regular basis.