With SIMpro, you don’t need to worry about the two smartphone dilemma.  This handy little device allows you to put a second SIM card inside it and connect it to your original smartphone through Bluetooth. Then, all you have to do is open the app and you can seamlessly switch between the two numbers with no problem at all. The tiny, credit card sized device is designed to make life easier for the entrepreneur on the go. It easily connects to your current iPhone or iPad, it has five days of standby battery life, and it can even record calls to keep you abreast of your communication situation. While the SIMpro is currently only available for Apple devices, the Kickstarter campaign hopes to reach their stretch goal, which will be used to send out nano SIM adapters that will allow everyone smartphone user to take advantage of this unique technology. With approximately two weeks left, the SIMpro Kickstarter campaign has doubled their original goal of $26,000. However, they are still looking to reach their stretch goal in hopes of sending out more devices to excited customers. Contribute today so you can get your hands on one of these life changing products for the early bird price of $89.