While it’s been pretty well-known that Jobs wasn’t a technical person – he was more renowned for his business savvy and strategic, creative mindset – Woz has never been this vocal or blunt about that lack of technical know-how. He even puts in an additional jab about the Apple II computer and what it enabled Apple as a company to accomplish; that without it, we may not even be seeing Apple as one of the most profitable companies in the world. Says Wozniak: The interview with I Programmer is one of a series of three separate interviews hoping to gain the developer’s thoughts on education, engineering, and Apple. Woz explains, for example, his motivation for pursuing science and math at an early age, and how that translated into a future interest in electronics and computing. While Woz points out that Jobs played no technical role in building the Apple I and Apple II computers, he does point out that – without Jobs – the company likely would not have done as well, regardless of how well the product was. He notes: “it’s very important, even if you are not a business man, [to] find someone who is.” You can watch the full video interview with Steve Wozniak below:

(H/T Reddit)