Today at WWDC 2017, Apple announced a new iOS 11 feature that will help relieve this problem by enabling iOS users to send money with Apple Pay in Messages. This simple feature could easily disrupt and potentially crush the life of any startup looking to get into the bill splitting app space. The only catch from Apple Pay’s world domination with this new feature, and it’s kind of big one, is that it only works with iOS users. So for now, if you or your friends are using an Android or some other phone, you won’t be able to send them money this way as it doesn’t offer cross platform support. Apple had this to say today in a release: While it may be safe to say that Venmo, Splitwise, Billr, and other cross platform apps still have an edge since they will be able to send money to non-iOS devices, this update will probably start to pluck off some of their users. Why? Because people are generally looking for the path of least resistance, so why would you want to open and configure another app when you can send money right via Apple Pay in Messages on your iPhone or iPad. Watch the video released by Apple (below) and see just how easy it will be to send money to friends on the new iOS 11 platform. [Video removed] Read about Fintech Startups at Tech.Co