One of the greatest keys to an organization’s success, big or small, is its ability to foster a culture of creativity. Adobe recently conducted a survey of global companies throughout various industries and found that one of the greatest indicators of a company’s success was its ability to innovate. Many companies recognize the importance of innovation, and are trying to incorporate innovative ideas and practices into their culture in the hopes of motivating and inspiring their employees. The hard part is finding where to start. The smaller guys wonder what they can do to improve their culture and the effectiveness of their employees, without spending a fortune. It’s a fair question, as they are still struggling to create their own identities and develop their cultures. One benefit the little guys have over Goliaths is their ability to adapt. Large corporations are often blocked by structure, tradition and bureaucracy, leaving them less able to react to emerging trends. This kills innovation. Without these hurdles, smaller companies can quickly embrace new technologies and trends in order to gain an upper hand. One such trend that is commonplace is our personal lives, but is only just now working its way into professional settings, is cloud computing. Cloud computing presents a number of advantages particularly helpful for small businesses. While large corporations have already invested heavily in expensive servers and large IT teams, small businesses have the ability to transition to the cloud without having already made such heavy investments. And make the change they should. While there are a number of reasons why cloud storage is the way to go, here are a few simple examples.  

  1. Don’t worry about IT By switching to cloud storage, businesses dramatically reduce their dependence on IT support. Many small businesses don’t have the experience or the resources to invest in IT professionals. They are looking to devote as many of their resources to the core business as possible. When you use the cloud, you are shifting the risk to the cloud provider and away from yourself. Cloud storage allows others to worry about IT issues so you can focus on what matters most.
  2. Dollars Make Sense One of the greatest benefits of using the cloud is the financial gain. Cloud computing provides varying data plans depending on specific needs. Businesses can choose the plan that makes sense for them, and then pay a predictable monthly-rate. When businesses need to make changes depending on business growth, they can scale up or down without having to invest in more expensive technology, or find a way to unload what they already have. What you spend on technology is dramatically decreased, leaving you more money to invest in the more critical functions of your business.
  3. Ease of Collaboration The office of the 21st century has changed a bit. What used to be done in cramped cubicles is now done in airports, taxis, or at home. Cloud computing allows employees the ability to access files and other important information from anywhere at any time. This greatly increases collaboration and the ability to share information with clients and colleagues at a much greater pace. With less down time, goals and objectives are met faster, which is good for everyone. Innovation in the office doesn’t have to be fun activities or increased benefits. While those approaches can be successful, innovation is all about adopting trends and staying relevant. Employees can perform their best when they are provided with the right tools. Small businesses can find an easy solution for tapping into creativity and greater collaboration with the adoption of cloud computing.