Unrabble is a site designed to make hiring decisions easier for the business with limited staff, time, or background in human resources. It allows you to “find the gems amongst the rabble,” quickly and effectively. Unrabble isn’t regimented HR software or a modified version of a job board. It is a new take on hiring that saves time by automating core hiring tasks. The site improves your ability to make decisions by replacing endless resumes with measurable criteria. It’s easy to get started. You can set up an account and start posting in just a few minutes. All you need to do is fill out a basic company profile, write a job description, and paste your unique Unrabble URL on any job board. Once candidates begin applying for your position, their application is converted on Unrabble’s Candidate Profiles, providing you with objective, measurable information. It scans resumes for you and ranks candidates based on the skills you assign as most valuable, bringing top candidates right to your attention. The site also verifies candidates’ honesty through social networks. After your candidates are ranked, Unrabble allows you to easily collaborate with your colleagues in the decision process. It also highlights candidates you’re connected to on LinkedIn. In a small- or mid-sized business, hiring cannot take up all of your time. Unrabble simplifies the process by eliminating resumes and allows you to make decisions easier. To get started now, try Unrabble free for one month with no commitment. After that, the service starts at $29/month.