It all comes down to your motivation – do you want a job or not? If you do, do you have all the qualifications that make you the best candidate? If you do not, are you ready to do something about that? In order to stand out of a crowd at a job interview, your resume has to be filled with items your potential employers are going to want to see. This is why you should make sure you possess them before applying for a position. Improving your professional skills is important not only for having a better resume, but also to make your transition into a new job easier. Each employer is looking for the most skillful employee and certain specific things, but there are a couple of general skills that most of them prefer. Apart from those traditionally sought – communication, analytic and personal skills, dedication and hard work, as well as good cooperation with coworkers, teamwork and adaptability to new environment – constant changes in technology development has brought some new skills forward. Namely, it is not enough to possess elementary computer literacy and to be familiar with basic things any more, but a higher level of technical skills is needed and you have to be almost an expert in software connected to your particular industry. Moreover, management skills are popular nowadays as companies rely on their own workers to settle arguments, plan, organize and execute events, handle responsibilities and do something out of their main niche. Finally, being fluent in just one language, especially if that is English, Spanish and other languages spoken by hundreds of millions around the world is a common expectation nowadays, so a big plus on your CV is fluency in foreign languages. Individuals looking for a job are not the only ones adapting and changing. Companies are also constantly trying to be innovative and stay fresh in order to get more work and hold a better position in the industry. For example, a local car dealership does not have to stick to cars only, but also start offering small boats, motorcycles, buggies and other vehicles that people are looking for. Not too long ago a local printing service, Norwood,started doing web design, and there are even bigger examples of these changes. For instance Nintendo used to have a taxi service, and Peugeot has radically changed their direction several times in history (as seen on Top Gear, Series 22). Following the same logic, you too should learn new things, acquire new skills and be more competitive in order to stay on top of the trends in the industry – because, again, that is what employers want. Depending on your personality and already present skills, you can choose between several options on how to reach new skills: individual learning, attending classes at a local college, night school, finding a mentor/tutor, etc. You should make a plan in advance and set a goal before starting any serious work. Ultimately, only if you work on yourself and learn new things can you expect to be more successful at job interviews and increase your chances of employment.