Yet the biggest players in streaming services are still figuring out live sports. Netflix in particular has famously stayed away from the entire sector. New research might shed a light on why.

Because They Hate it Is Why

The study, which polled 2309 adults across the month of October 2017, comes from real-time streaming platform Phenix and takes an unflinching look at the state of sports live streams. And viewers aren’t slow to make their distaste known with their wallets:

What It Means

Until the streaming video technology improves enough to satisfy that cranky 72 percent of viewers, live sports will continue being a boon to pay TV and a thorn in the side of streaming services everywhere. But the tides are still changing. Twitter has already livestreamed a season of Thursday night National Football League games, albeit without making a big splash. More importantly, Disney happens to own 80 percent of ESPN, Inc., and is also dipping its toe into the world of streaming services. I expect we’ll be seeing the dominance of sports live streaming platforms sooner rather than later. But as this study proves, any buffering problems are going to need to be conclusively solved first. Read more about video and TV news on TechCo