They will be the latest charges in an ongoing music streaming investigation that kicked off last year, following a 2019 complaint from the streaming service Spotify. The new development is an indicator that the commission may have found new evidence or changed an element of its case, and it isn’t the only antitrust regulation that the EU has issued in recent months.

Apple’s Antitrust Issues

The European Commission’s case against Apple last year hinged on the claim that the $3 trillion tech giant had distorted the music streaming industry in its own favor with unduly restrictive App Store rules. These rules included forcing app developers to use Apple’s own payment system while barring them from pointing users towards any outside payment system. Right now, though, it’s not as clear cut. The new charges, according to Reuters, will be in a supplementary statement of objections, indicating some change of direction in the case that remains to be fully revealed.

Is Tech Facing a Reckoning?

Apple has faced similar pushback from the US government in the past. As senior writer Conor Cawley wrote in 2019: But despite regular waves of public backlash against anti-competitive moves and privacy-threatening data collection, tech giants have continued strong with relatively little oversight from slow-moving US government officials. The latest reported charges against Apple are yet another indicator that global governments are taking a firmer stance than ever against potential abuses of tech companies’ power — but it’s also not an all-in-one silver bullet in the fight.