PhenixP2P is a Chicago-based startup providing real-time video streaming solutions to companies around the world. By allowing businesses to focus on content with their proprietary platform PCast, PhenixP2P is providing a wholly necessary service to the content world. And a funding round that sizes proves it. The sizable Series A will be used to scale the company as much as possible. With a seemingly endless variety of needs to meet in the video sector, PhenixP2P has their work cut out for them when it comes to addressing these solutions. Fortunately, with all this funding, they’ll be able to tackle all of them in due time. In addition to further developing their video streaming platform, they’ll also be aggressively accelerating their sales efforts and adamantly educating the market on the importance of latency-free video solutions. They’ll also be able to make significant hires in the business and engineering side of the company, opening the door to more growth and innovation as time goes on. PhenixP2P participated in Tech.Co’s SXSW Startup Night just a few weeks ago, impressing judges, investors, and your’s truly on the way to a successful pitch. If you want to enjoy some of their success, make sure to apply for our Startup of the Year competition for a chance to compete at Innovate! and Celebrate 2017 in October.