The declaration, and the people behind it, represents “the broadest cross section of the American economy yet assembled in pursuit of climate action,” according to the official site for the movement, We Are Still In.

The Tech Leaders Include Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Intel

From the statement: The statement aligns with similar statements such as one document signed by 246 U.S. mayors which confirms their commitment to their cities’ specific climate goals. In total the undersigned businesses and investors account for a total annual revenue of $1.4 trillion and include over 20 Fortune 500 companies, including Apple, eBay, Gap Inc., Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Nike, in addition to hundreds of small businesses, have also signed the statement.” Unsurprisingly, the statement also calls out one specific figure in the current U.S. administration, its President, saying “The Trump administration’s announcement [is one that] undermines a key pillar in the fight against climate change [and a move which is] out of step with what is happening in the United States.” Much like the January scramble to save climate change data from the current administration, this move proves that a large chunk of the American people see climate change as one of the biggest threats to our future. Pulling out of the Paris climate agreement as a process will take four years, and many hope it can be reversed by then. But as long as the 1,219 companies and leaders listed above stay true to their word, even those years can be spent taking the world’s climate in the right direction.