A recent post on Marketing Land shows that more than 120 different ad agencies have increased their digital advertisement outreach via videos 88.6 percent in the last three years alone. The only problem here, according to the American Association of Advertising, is that a 30-second piece of video costs about $324,000 to produce. And while independent freelancers offer alternatives, it’s still a bit too expensive and time consuming for startup companies. That is, there’s a definite part of the market that’s hungry for affordable digital advertising but can’t find a suitable outlet to get involved: Chad Rogers, Daniel Marlow, and Hope Horner built Lemonlight Media to satiate that hunger. The platform sports a vetted network of film industry leaders that will make commercials for as low as $900, filmed in as little as two hours. The Lemonlight Media team was a boostrapped startup themselves, so they know the inherent value in what they offer. Not to mention they’ve had exceptional product validation since opening their doors in April 2014 – Rodgers told me that they’ve been profitable since day one and have produced over 1,600 videos in 27 different states and driven CTRs ten times higher than the industry average. To date, Lemonlight Media has created video advertising for numerous Ivy League schools as well as the Special Olympics. They’ve also been able to ride their momentum and open remote offices in New York, Chicago, and Washington DC with a fourth location opening in Miami in the coming months. I have to say, they seem to be spot on the money with Lemonlight Media. After all, there are few startups I come across these days that don’t have little videos detailing what they’re all about. Here are some samples of video Lemonlight Media has shot for their clients:

Image Credit: Lemonlight Media’s Facebook page