Well, one company couldn’t stand unplugging their router anymore and has finally made a product to combat the problem. The ResetPlug is designed to keep you on the couch when your internet goes out. It monitors your Wifi signal for issues and cycles power when a reboot is necessary. There is no unplugging, there is no waiting around and, most importantly, there is no hassle. ResetPlug works automatically without your interaction. You don’t have to deal with log-in pages, alerts or scary icons on your computer to keep your internet flowing like water. You can even customize the amount of time it waits before reseting your router. The days of dealing with subpar internet are officially over! Like everything, there are downsides. The first and most obvious problem is that this product comes at the high price of $60. While there is plenty of less useful tech out there for much higher prices, this seems a bit unnecessary. Is it really worth $60 to not stand up and unplug a router every so often? Does the luxury of sitting down for longer really warrant the squandering of that much money? Yes! Your vast catalog of devices and doodads relies exclusively on the internet. Your entire life is likely focused around a quality reception location and that’s not a bad thing. The world is getting more and more connected every day. And while $60 might seem a bit steep for uninterrupted WiFi, there are rich people reading this right now with their fingers on the “buy” button already. Photo: Flickr / Finnegan