NerdWallet also raised an additional $33 million through a revolving loan facility with Silicon Valley Bank. Whether it’s selecting the best insurance provider, planning for retirement or starting a small business, consumers are faced with dozens of crucial personal finance decisions at every stage of their lives. NerdWallet helps consumers navigate these complex choices and provides transparency around all of their financial options. According to NerdWallet, last year, nearly 30 million consumers came to NerdWallet for accessible tools, research and expert advice to guide their financial decisions. The company’s user base is growing by more than 150% year over year, while its revenues tripled. According to Tom Loverro, who led the investment on behalf of RRE Ventures,  “Traditional banking and financial services are under attack. The industry landscape will look dramatically different 10 years from today, with new technologies and startups changing the way consumers handle their finances.” Image Credit: Flickr/401K2012 Editor’s note: Correction was made for the amount raised from the Silicon Valley Bank from $36 million to $33 million.