With this topic in mind, we dedicated the month of May to the “Healthy Entrepreneur” at Tech Cocktail by creating an ongoing series to help entrepreneurs lead more healthy lifestyles. So far we’ve written about The Best Health Apps and How to Get Lean Eating Butter, Bacon, & Coconut Oil: An Interview with Dave Asprey of the Bulletproof Executive. The rest of the month we’ll be publishing a bunch more  articles that focus on various aspects of health. The series of articles is sponsored by Coromega. For those of you unfamiliar, Coromega is “the first delicious omega-3.” It comes in a tasty “Squeeze” that has 300% better absorption than regular softgels. Healthy levels of omega-3s result in healthy hearts, eyes, joints, hair, and skin (to name a few), but the majority of Americans are omega-3 deficient. I’ve been taking Coromega for a few years now, everyday, and like them a lot more than taking a fish oil pill, which can sometimes give you some inappropriately timed fish-tasting burps. That said, I know stress has had a negative affect on me over the last three years. I’ve gained a number of gray hairs that I often tell myself are just summer blondes, but it is tougher to believe that story as they maintain their shimmer throughout the year. Stress also gives me a lot of physical tension. To counteract, I try to turn to other creative outlets that help me relieve the tension and keep my body functioning properly. I’ve been asked before how I keep going as we jetset from city to city. Aside from lots of iced tea, I turn to regular exercise, soak up much-needed sunshine for vitamin D, take vitamins and omega-3s, get extra sleep when I can and try to eat extra healthy, laugh a lot, and avoid sugary treats if possible. And fortunately for the team, Jen, our COO, loves making green smoothies for all. As our sponsor for this May series, Coromega is offering Tech Cocktail readers a special 25% discount on supplements (with the coupon code TECH). Also, the first five people who sign up here will get a free omega-3 test (valued at $150) and a 90-day supply of Coromega. If you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming monthly series, please contact us today. We’ve been lining up some great topics for the coming months (e.g., company culture, public relations, funding, finding an office, cloud computing and several others), and we’re looking forward to bringing you some amazingly helpful content series. But this month, here is to the healthy entrepreneur and lifestyle!