Apparently, Zuckerberg wants his employees to adopt a new motto at the company — Meta, Metamates, Me — which is modeled after the naval phrase “ship, shipmates, self,” meaning to put your mission and your colleagues before yourself. While the sentiment is nice, it’s another example of Zuckerberg trying really hard to make this Meta rebrand a thing. We’ve been hearing flowery words from the embattled CEO for years, and this post sounds like more of a rebranding necessity than an actual call to action. Still with Meta’s valuation on the decline, making bold moves save the image of the company could be the only way to set the Metaverse up for success. Still, the rough start to the launch and the goofy employee names aren’t doing the company any favors. Sure, Zuckerberg is trying to set up the future of technology, but no one is going to get on board if they’re making fun of it on Twitter.

However, business is still down without big goggles strapped to your face for now, which means you’ll likely need a social media management platform to stay in touch with your customers. Take a look at our comprehensive guide to the best options and get ready to venture into the Metaverse when the time comes.