With COVID-19 cases on the decline, many businesses around the world are calling for employees to return to work. Even President Joe Biden called for employers to start transitioning teams back into the office. However, studies show that the majority of workers are adamant about staying home and not returning to their commutes. Fortunately, Lyft got the memo and has just announced that all its employees will have the “fully flexible option” to choose how they will work for the foreseeable future. With nearly 5,000 employees across the country, this is a substantial move by Lyft that could have a positive impact on the new work schedule policies of other companies. Tech giants like Apple and Google have not provided the same kind of flexibility, announcing plans to return to the office in April now that cases are so low. In all seriousness, studies have shown that employees are serious about hybrid work. Many are willing to quit if they aren’t provided with a flexible schedule option and your competitors could be poaching your employees who aren’t interested in returning to the office. Still, many businesses aren’t prepared to offer hybrid work due to technological and cultural obstacles at the company. Fortunately, tools like remote access software, and VPNs can go a long way in helping you set your business up for success when it comes to hybrid work.