While studies continue to pile up on the desks of high school teachers and principals alike, the stigma of late-sleepers is hard to shake. As one study explained, sleep cycles are not consistent throughout the population; about 40 percent of all sleepers (humans) don’t fit into the traditional 11 PM to 7 AM schedule. This is a biological reason for sleeping late – and, yet, people still view late-sleepers as lazy losers and sad screw ups. Whether it’s about getting up for work, meeting friends for brunch or simply taking your dog for a walk in the morning, late sleepers can’t seem to get a handle on daily life. The issue has become pressing enough that advocacy groups are starting to get involved. B-society, founded by Camilla Kring, calls for the increased acceptance of the late sleeper revolution. With the growing presence of work-from-home jobs that require nothing more than an Internet connection and a comfortable chair, what is stopping companies from providing more flexible hours for all the late-sleepers out there? Higher productivity is the goal of any company, whether it comes at 9 AM or 9 PM, and this adherence to late-sleeper needs could make for a lot more worm-getting across the board. (H/T Vox)