Cardillo learned how to foster real, meaningful connections with people because of his humbling education. He used that passion for meeting new people to tell his story to them, spread their stories to others, and build a network of good-hearted people. Life took him to PR Newswire where he worked on project management for their content marketing platforms. It was interesting work, but he eventually found his way to, where he currently leads their business development with his nimble and flexible brain. To that end, one of the things that values – and it’s something Cardillo doesn’t think is talked about enough in the startup culture – is the collaborative aspect. Sure, there are people who are wizards at what they do, but Cardillo lives for the high premium places on group interaction and collaboration to accomplish their work. And uses that collaboration to disrupt the creative agency business. They are totally redesigning the market for visual design content: infographics that take big agencies months to do, they can do in half the time and at a cheaper price. The model they have built is rather straightforward. takes value that was encrusted in the digital creative agency mode and, because of the way they are formed, delivers actual growth to designers, journalists, and developers via detailed infographics. Really think about that quote for a minute and take it back to Cardillo, his background, and the way operates. Having the will to press on for a long time can be overwhelming, but if you can get through it, you can deliver a perfect product to your audience: that’s who Cardillo is, and that’s what is all about.