Employee reporting is a common issue managers face. Especially when most employee reporting is done via email or Excel, it can become difficult to stay on top of each employee’s progress. Weekdone, a simple weekly employee status report platform, takes the hassle out of employee reporting and makes it easier for managers to respond quickly to their team’s progress. This platform allows managers to pinpoint their employees’ goals, accomplishments, and challenges all in a single place. How does Weekdone work? Every week, employees receive a reminder email to outline their goals for the week within Weekdone. Throughout the week, employees can mark off each goal as they complete it. As employees keep track of tasks and projects, Weekdone compiles email reports that are sent to team members and managers. These reports can be viewed on mobile phones, tablets, or your computer. This gives managers the chance to check in with their employees and for employees to ask for timely feedback from their managers. For employees. Employees love Weekdone because it makes submitting their reports easy. In addition, employees are able to receive valuable, timely feedback from their managers, which makes it possible for them to be more productive. For employers. Weekdone is an excellent tool for helping managers lead their teams better and improve employee collaboration. Managers can comment on tasks and give feedback to employees, and observe what every person on the team is working on. Pros of Weekdone:

Easy to use and can be accessed on mobile devices.Managers can provide timely feedback to employees.Improves team management and collaboration.Affordable for small, growing companies.

Cons of Weekdone:

Doesn’t account for project deadlines.

Employers who think their organization can benefit from this platform can test it through Weekdone’s free trial. Weekdone is free for teams of up to three employees, and packages for organizations with 10 or more employees start at $29 per month. Do you think your organization can improve its productivity through Weekdone?