The first thing that sticks out to potential donors is the fact that these bulbs are fully controllable via Bluetooth. ilumi has an app for both iOS and Android that gives you full systematic control over your lighting, and since ilumi utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), the need for Wi-Fi networks, bridges, and high installation costs are eliminated. The technology at work in the bulb not only achieves the highest lumens per watt of any multicolor LED light, but also features a processor, memory, and real-time clock to give users the ability to adjust, customize, and program their bulbs. The bulbs can automate themselves based on your schedule, provide a dynamic atmosphere, and utilize geo-location recognition. Egan has positioned ilumi to lead the future of intelligent lighting via mobile devices, and the increasing popularity in BLE on smart gadgets will help them achieve that goal. There are still 51 days remaining on the entire campaign, and based off of the previous success of their Indiegogo campaign, there is little doubt that it will reach its $25,000 mark.