IFTTT, pronounced like gift minus the “G,” utilizes a simple formula of “If This, Then That,” where “This” is the trigger and “That” is the action target. Users can create and share recipes across 67 supported channels that span social media, websites, and cloud systems. If I add a photo to Instagram, then upload it to Dropbox. If I submit to WordPress, then create a short link to the page with Bitly. If I list an item on Craigslist, then update my Facebook status asking if anybody wants to buy it. Are you getting the picture here?

IFTTT, despite its organizational prowess and popularity, has remained relatively quiet while making the ascent towards their release. That silence has been shattered today, and the future looks to be loud and noisy for IFTTT.

IFTTT Releases iPhone Exclusive App for Web Service Customization - 54