The following six startups launched: Anomaly – For all those social media lovers out there, this startup looks to leverage algorithms to find the most relevant items in a stream of content. Their first site is The Cadmus, which sorts your Twitter stream by relevance. At our Champaign, Illinois event we saw Caterva which might be looking to do something very similar. Appbistro – Offers a rich marketplace for business applications on Facebook, including user reviews and a payments service. It offers an Appbistro AppStores program, a white-label verision of Appbistro so anyone can create their own app store. AppRats – If you are Internet famous or planning on being so, then you might want to connect with AppRats as they build Facebook applications for YouTube celebs to help them interact with their fans and monetize their online fame. Damntheradio – Offers a service that helps brands and businesses create campaigns that reward users and fans for promoting products to their social network. Basically, bartering goods for fan appeal and rewards which is similar to what Karmaback showed off at our Austin event. Skyara – A soon to launch marketplace for finding activities. The goal is to help people find exciting new activities. For example, if you want to learn how to surf then you might find someone can help teach you how. SocialVision – Looking to offer publishers the ability to add chat to video. They created a prototype site called YouTube Social to test the capabilities. The idea would be to add this chat to both online and television programming (i.e. DirectTV, etc). We’ll keep our eye on these early-stage startups as they may be great featured demos at our next San Francisco startup mixer in early 2011. What’s your favorite startup from the mix?