I’m a perfectly rational human being, so I’m well-aware that what I’m seeing isn’t at all an accurate portrayal of how people will actually interact with the game in real life. I mean, sure, while augmented reality and virtual reality have made significant strides in recent years, we’re not yet at a stage where AR/VR Pokémon models hang around the real world whenever we want them to. But outside of the magnificent trailer, the mere availability of a Pokémon game for the smartphone is something that geeks everywhere have wanted for years. Browsing through the App Store, you’ll find hundreds of games claiming to be the next Pokémon – simply because the brand itself has not had a presence on mobile.

Pokémon GO will developed in partnership with Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic – an augmented reality company spun out of Google – and will be made available for free once it hits the market. According to a statement from Nintendo: Nintendo also plans to release a Pokémon GO Plus accessory that lets gamers interact with the game through actions on the bluetooth device. For instance, by pressing a button on the accessory, you can activity in-game actions like throwing a Pokéball.

IMHO, I would totally rock that sh*t. Totally ready to catch them all (again), guys. (H/T Tiny Cartridge)

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