Take note that, when it comes to security, your employees are far more valuable than the most advanced security software in the market. According to reports, over 90 percent of security breaches can be traced back to employee negligence. That’s why, on top of a solid security policy, you should also invest in employee training and awareness. Here are the best points to cover when training your staff on workplace security:

Using USB Flash Drives

One of the common ways malware can infect your business network is through a USB flash drive. In one study, 48 percent of people are willing to plug in a flash drive that they found in a parking lot. Furthermore, 68 percent of them would open its contents without any precautionary measures, like scanning the drive with anti-virus tools. In addition to avoiding flash drives from unknown sources, you should require employees to use tools like USB Disk Security in their personal and work computers. You can also push for the use of project management or cloud storage platforms to enable secure file-sharing between employees.

Installing Unnecessary Software

If an application comes from a dubious source, it may contain malicious software such as Trojan horses, viruses, and ransomware. But even if the source appears to be credible, any download URL must be tested through a service like Norton Safe Web to ensure their authenticity. Make sure employees observe the same practice with their own devices, especially if you have a BYOD policy. For additional security, provide a list of acceptable applications and make sure they are always updated to the latest versions.

Password Safety

According to SplashData, a lot of people still use weak passwords like “123456,” “password,” and “12345.” A separate research reveals that 90 percent of organizations don’t require passwords to be more than eight characters long. As a rule of thumb, employees should utilize a long combination of symbols, numbers, and letter cases when creating secure passwords. By increasing the complexity and length of passwords, you can exponentially increase the time it takes for hackers to crack them. According to cybersecurity statistics, a 10-character password takes 53 years to crack, while a 9-character password only takes four weeks.

Creating Backups

Backups allows employees to pick up where they left off and resume productivity at the soonest possible time. To create backups, employees have the option to use a cloud storage platform like Dropbox or an external drive. If they choose the latter, additional security measures must be in place to keep the storage device safe from the wrong hands. For example, operating systems like Mac OS and Windows 10 have built-in encryption features that employees can use.

Phishing Safety

Phishing scams involve links that lead to fake websites that masquerade as legitimate sites and ask for login credentials. These links may be delivered from an email, attachment, social media message, or ad. That said, you should tell employees to avoid clicking links, especially if they came from unverified sources. Inform them to look for telltale signs – such as misspelled domain names and poor grammar. Read more about cybersecurity here on Tech.Co