Twitter is a popular platform recruiters use when searching for top talent. If recruiters think Twitter is useful for finding candidates, shouldn’t your startup be searching for them there, too? Twenty-three percent of job seekers are using Twitter to leverage their job search. Maybe your startup should use it to attract social job seekers. Be marketable to candidates. Are you looking for the best of the best? Then your startup should reflect that value. In order to attract talented candidates to your startup, you must use Twitter to inform job seekers about who you’re looking for. Make sure your profile has a solidified brand that will draw job seekers to your account. Give job seekers an inside look. If you want to recruit talented employees for your startup, you must offer something to attract job seekers. Instead of only posting job openings at your company, provide a sneak peek of what it’s like to work for your startup. Encourage candidates to ask questions. You want to make sure your startup is engaging with job seekers on a regular basis. Use Twitter as a platform to open the floor to job seekers who have questions about working for your startup or your application process. This will also help you attract the right candidates and encourage more people to apply for your open positions. Take the time to search for candidates. When recruiting candidates on Twitter, you’ll have to do a little bit of your own research. Since you’re looking for candidates who are in the technology industry, they will most likely have a presence in social media. Take the time to search for job seekers in your industry and read through their Twitter feed. Although you may have to scroll through hundreds of tweets, you will discover talented professionals who will be the right fit for your startup. If you want to recruit talented candidates for your startup, it’s a good idea to make Twitter a part of your recruiting strategy. By doing this, you will be able to maximize the way you attract job seekers and hire the best people for your startup. Do you use Twitter for recruiting purposes? What strategies work best for you?