While an instant messaging system is integral to your company’s success, confidential information may be exchanged during conversations, making it imperative to have a secure system. Here are some tips on how to make sure the instant messaging system your business uses is secure:

Utilize Two-Factor Authentication

You may have never heard the phrase “single factor authentication,” but chances are pretty good you know exactly what it is. A single factor authentication is a messaging system that only requires a username and password to gain access. This is one of the weakest authentication methods you could utilize to gain access to your company’s system. Your instant messenger system needs to have a two-factor authentication in order to be secure. This could be as simple as entering a username and password and then having your fingerprint scanned to further confirm who you are. Some systems use key cards. These systems would require the key cards and your login information in order to let you into the system.

Educate Your Employees

You do not want your employees to treat the company’s instant messenger system the same way they treat a system on social media. Memes and emojis are one thing, but cavalier security practices can ruin a company. Your employees need to be trained on how to properly use the messaging system you have installed. You need to include the importance of security in the training material. Anyone using the messenger system needs to understand how vital it is for the system to be secure at all times.

Get a Good Anti-Virus Program

You may be able to work out a deal with an anti-virus manufacturer to get enough copies of a program to install it on all of your company computers. An anti-virus program will stop worms, Trojans, and other computer viruses from spreading using the instant messenger system. You have to make sure you go into the settings of the anti-virus program you have selected and enable automatic updates. This way you get peace of mind in knowing your anti-virus program is always working to the best of its ability.

Individual Firewall

Even if your entire company’s internet network has a firewall, you need to have one installed on every computer that has access to the instant messenger system as well. The network firewall may not be enough to stop a hacking or virus. Think of an individual firewall on a computer as an extra layer of protection. Someone trying to hack in would have to hack through your company’s firewall and then the firewall on the individual computer. By executing these crucial startup security tips when you install your instant messenger system, you can start out using the system on the best note possible. Your whole staff will understand how to use it the right way, you won’t have people using the system who do not have permission to, and you won’t have to worry about viruses being transferred through the network and computers of your business.