Select a Robust Email Marketing Platform

There are many options available to you when it comes to email marketing platforms. Some are free. Others are subscription based, but offer a free trial. Whatever you select, it should contain the following features:

Templates for customizing emailsThe ability to create segmented mailing listsAnalyticsIntegrated email list management

Don’t be afraid to try out a few packages before making a final decision.

Make The Subscription Process as Easy as Possible

Don’t make the mistake of losing subscribers because you ask them to input too much information, or make subscribing difficult in other ways. Remember that in many cases all you need is a name and an email address. Other information is great to have, but consider making it optional. The important thing is to get people on board, and reading your content.

Give Your Audience Multiple Opportunities to Subscribe

Pop up forms and landing pages are great, but they aren’t your only options for getting people to subscribe. Here are a few things you can try:

Adding a subscription CTA on your about us pageIncluding a subscription button on your blogEmbedding a CTA on the header of your home pageAdding a subscription check box on contact us forms

Segment Your List Smartly

Once you have a decent list of subscribers, you should consider that list into marketing segments. Marketing segmentation is a great way to ensure that the most relevant content reaches the audience segment that it is best suited for. You can create segments based on browsing history, previous purchases, interests, demographics, or geographic location. If your customer list is growing, this may be the time to consider adding an E-Commerce CRM software app to your toolkit.

Here’s the bottom line. If you want to keep subscribers, and give them reason to look into your products, you have to provide them with great content. This starts with emails that are well written, and provide useful information. You also want to make sure that the content that you link and share is worth clicking on. If your content isn’t up to snuff, people will either unsubscribe or filter your emails to junk.

Include Special Incentives Just For Subscribers

One great way to get your audience to take the leap from subscriber to customer is to provide them with special incentives for doing so. Consider offering your readers discounts, free shipping, or other giveaways. You can also give them access to exclusive content, or offer them an advantage if you create hashtag campaigns or social media contests.

Email After Conversion And After Shopping Cart Abandonment

Even if a customer isn’t a subscriber, you can still use email as a marketing tool. For example, if a customer makes a purchase, send them an email thanking them within a day. Then, send a second email a week or so after they have received their order thanking them again, and reminding them of any upcoming specials that might interest them. Sending emails to people who have abandoned their shopping carts can get them to complete their orders.