In a period when the majority of us spend hours online, platforms like Twitter or Facebook have become necessary tools for social engagement. Because of this, brands and ad agencies have shifted their strategies by furthering their online social media presence and hoping to engage with these potential consumers. Running a successful social media campaign can be arduous, though, and it can take more than simply looking at the trending topics being discussed. In order to create a campaign that results in meaningful engagement with a particular audience, it’s necessary for a brand to actually learn about the people themselves rather than the topics outright. This is where Mattr can help. Mattr is a platform that allows brands to learn more about their target audiences – focusing more on the people behind the tweets and Facebook posts, rather than the posts themselves. Through Mattr, a brand can learn about a target market’s demographics, personality types within that market, what level of interest they might have in the brand or a particular product, and other details. With that information at hand, companies can prepare stronger social media strategies that can actually leave a lasting impact on their preferred audience. In the video below, you can watch cofounder Murray McKerlie talk about the inspiration for starting Mattr and why the platform matters for brands who want to truly connect with their audiences. Here’s the video.