I keep a running list of my mistakes throughout the year and publish my top three mistakes annually. My biggest mistake was taking a while to come around to being transparent about my failures. Speaking openly about my mistakes has been the most effective model for building honest relationships and embodying humility. Giving back is timeless and powerful.

Build a business on nights and weekends that is financially viable before working for the business full-time. Invest in building your LinkedIn network intentionally and explicitly to fully leverage social media for your company’s benefit. I feel successful when I pursue my work because the work is the reward. I will know I am successful when I am fulfilling my potential and enabling others to do the same. The success of the business needs to start with making a difference in society. All the money in the world does not matter if the mission of the company does not matter. By the same token, a business needs to be financially viable. Having the financial means to create jobs for other people to support their families matters to me immensely, especially women, minorities and underserved populations. Read more inspiring interviews with founders at Tech.Co

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