The latest news: Facebook gets a stunning two billion searches per day, up from 1.5 billion in July 2015. Facebook broke the news during its earning call yesterday, in a move many have argued positions Facebook as the breaking news platform specifically in order to trump Twitter’s claim to fame. But it needn’t have bothered: They also announced Facebook ad revenue is up 63 percent this year, and today the New York Times revealed that their own ad revenue dropped 12 percent this year. Platforms are crushing legacy media. But they don’t have to, one editor argues.

Journalism, Meet Sales

Jim Brady, CEO of Spirited Media and author of another great piece on the survival of local news, wrote recently for Digital Content Next about the perceived tension between journalist ethics and financial success. Legacy media organizations, in his opinion, have failed to adapt to the shifting revenue models and worldviews that any new media startup must handle in order to survive. The biggest point he makes? The journalism side needs to communicate with the sales side. Here’s how his site does it:

It Leads to Better Things

In fact, they often work in sync with each other in a manner that any startup founder should resonate with: The moral: Make sure everyone at your new media startup, or at any startup, talks to everyone else about what they’re up to. If you don’t, your entire industry could needlessly collapse. If you do, you might even get some good beer out of it.