“HoverStat’s product disrupts the insurance industry by providing precise drone-automated roof inspections in less than 10 minutes,” says Eckelberg, the CEO and one of the co-founders. Eckelberg also says the HoverStat team just saw their biggest partner/ competitor get authorization to experiment with drones for commercial purposes, which means they are on track to disrupt the market. HoverStat is making enormous strides, but Eckelberg has learned a number of lessons along the way and advice to other entrepreneurs. Here’s what else she had to say:

Tech.Co: What startup advice do you disagree with?

TC: What’s been your hardest lesson learned?

TC: What other trends are you are excited about?

TC: How do you stay motivated?

What is advice you wish you had known?

What’s a quirky fact about your team?

To learn more, follow HoverStat on Twitter.