That’s understandable. Having the skills to create or improve upon a product service doesn’t mean that marketing is your thing. However, if you want to build an audience and ultimately make as many sales as possible, you have to get up to speed:
Digital Marketing Conferences
You’ve likely heard that “it’s all about who you know” when it comes to business. While this saying is cliché, it doesn’t make it untrue. Networking is a big part of running a successful company and if you want to make a difference in your startup, conferences are the best way to go. Check out these conferences to get a leg up: If you really want to learn about content marketing in a no BS environment, head to UnGagged in Las Vegas. Here, you will get straight talk and inbound marketing advice from the best in the business. The best part of this conference is that there is no pitching allowed. This means that you don’t have to sit through ‘helpful’ conference sessions that are nothing more than attempts to sell books or consulting services. It’s just good ol’ fashioned networking. Moz stands out as one of the premier websites in the world of content marketing. They also offer a great annual conference for some networking. If you can go, by all means attend. There is always a wide variety of experts giving presentation on a wide variety of content marketing topics. If traveling isn’t in your budget, join the local Moz community. This conference is a global digital marketing opportunity for businesses large and small. These sessions feature pros from Google, Coca Cola, LinkedIn, and even the White House. If there is a session in your area, it is definitely worth the time to go.
Online Marketing Classes
Sometimes, you can’t get out of the house to learn about online marketing. Fortunately, there is a wide range of online marketing classes that are available for anyone with an internet connection and a computer. Which, let’s be honest, is everyone. Coursera offers a wide variety of online classes that are presented by a variety of academic institutions and other organizations. This includes digital marketing classes. You can take a six course series of classes to get a specialization in digital marketing. This is another platform for open source learning. Simply go to the Udemy website and search for online marketing. You will be routed to a list of relevant courses starting at under twenty dollars each. This course is particularly good for anyone who has found themselves thrust into the world of content marketing. Hubspot offers a content marketing certification course that is directed at both marketing professionals and entrepreneurs. It is taught by some of the most well-known folks in content marketing, and best of all, it’s free.
Other Helpful Resources
In your research, you may have found that the name Jeff Bullas has filtered to the top with amazing frequency. This is because he is considered to be a guru in the online marketing industry. So much so that he has even been featured in HuffPo. Follow this blog, you won’t regret it. If you don’t have a great editorial calendar, your content creation and promotion efforts will be a disorganized mess. Coschedule has a great editorial calendar that you can use to keep track of your content schedule. Hootsuite lists this writing resource as one of their recommended content writing tools. If you don’t think you are capable of creating great content, check this tool out.
General Advice
Believe it or not, you can get started with online marketing fairly quickly. Yes, there is a lot to learn if you want your efforts to be exceptionally effective, but the following advice can help you as you get started. Remember that content marketing is about developing relationships and building trust. Focus on content that is informative, helpful, and engaging. After all, only 20 percent of your content should be brand focused. Consistency in content marketing is key. Post on a regular basis to keep your audience interested. Use lots of visual content including infographics, photographs, and videos. Curate interesting content from other sources to be sure you have plenty to offer. Respond when your audience engages with your posts. Remember, know who you are. Your branding identity will influence a lot of the content that you share with your audience.