If you stop and think about it, it is amazing just how far technology has come in such a short period of time. It was less than two decades ago that most professionals carried pagers around to be notified if they were needed at home, in the office or by an important client. Then mobile phones burst on the scene and first generation phones simply enabled the user to make and receive calls. Next came texting and the rest is history. Today mobile phones can do almost anything a personal computer can do but in a much smaller package. Most people who have a mobile phone browse the Internet and even conduct business transactions online. Here too, technology is advancing so that web pages are reduced to a size which can easily be viewed on a very small screen. It is true that some phones are quite large, tablet-sized in fact, but for the most part, mobile browsers are very small.

Mobile Themes – WordPress Plugins

One of the reasons that WordPress is so popular is because it is extremely user-friendly. There are a huge number of free themes, many of which can be upgraded for extra functionality but when you need a mobile theme, you simply need to get a plugin. There is no need to have two web pages as the plugin reduces what is being loaded on the mobile device to the important elements of the page.

The Impact of Mobile Themes on E-Commerce

Older mobile phones just don’t have the same functionality as new generations but people still liked to surf the web, albeit slowly. It was quite difficult to check bank accounts, look up information online and forget about trying to shop! With new mobile phone technology and fast loading WordPress mobile themes, users can quickly order almost any product imaginable all from their mobile device. This has had a huge impact on e-commerce and the trend is expected to continue and even expand as time goes on.

WordPress and Mobile Markets

One of the advantages of WordPress mobile themes is that users can quickly view a business’s blog and click through to their digital marketplace. If there is a product the user is interested in, a seamless marketplace script will enable that person to log in with a social media account, make their purchase and all whilst riding to and from work on the train. WordPress mobile themes work hand in hand with the digital marketplace in the same way WordPress themes for personal computers work.