With that mission in mind, edgee was built as a playground for curious people to explore thoughts and ideas in a new way. That is, they’re bridging the gap between Twitter and WordPress, making it easy to express yourself with the simplicity of a Tweet paired with the flexibility of a blog. Inside an edgee, users mix and connect their thoughts with various media they find online. This allows them to express their opinions while still making it their own by arranging, emphasizing, and annotating; it’s more than a tweet, less than a blog, and can be created in minutes. Users can embed any type of media into an edgee with one click, bringing together various video, text, audio, and images into one, cohesive format. An edgee can bring structure and narrative to complex ideas as well as facilitate intelligent discourse and understanding around topics.

For example, a journalist might use an edgee to provide nuance and background information about a story. A history teacher could create an edgee as a visual aid that teaches about the Berlin Wall and shows primary sources to the students. Here’s how it might work if you’re digging into House of Cards. Regardless of use, Maier only wants one thing to remain consistent: use edgee to explore and open your mind. And as they keep moving forward, Maier assures us they’ll be developing entirely new services that hinge on the social side of things. We’ll keep you posted.